Una novela gr fica desbordante de sinceridad y de humor, y con una protagonista que llegar al coraz n de las lectoras. Nina es ingenua; Nina es inconformista; Nina es un torbellino... Y a sus 16 a os, tiene un mont n de dudas revoloteando por su cabeza... Es normal sentirse un bicho raro? C mo puede saber si besa bien? Por qu los adultos hablan otro idioma? En qu quiere convertirse cuando sea mayor? Y, en definitiva... encontrar su lugar en el mundo?
La nueva hero na de las lectoras se llama Nina: todav a no la conoces?
ENGLISH DESCRIPTION A graphic novel overflowing with sincerity and humor, and with a protagonist that will touch readers' hearts. Nina is na ve; Nina is unconventional; Nina is a whirlwind... and at 16 years old, she has a ton of doubts tumbling through her head... is it normal to feel like a weirdo? How can she know if she kisses well? Why do grownups speak another language? What does she want to be when she grows up? And finally... will she find her place in the world?
Readers' new heroine is named Nina: haven't you met her yet?