How to use the book
We suggest reading it at bedtime, as a little ritual before sleep, closing the day's activities.
Children who can't read without the help of a loved one will add the word "Thanks" to the description of each of the pictures. After a while, even if they can't read yet, they'll be able to "read" the book to themselves.
For children who can read on their own, we suggest that, as well as understanding the picture on each page, they should think of other reasons for saying "thank you", with the help of some of the suggested phrases. The aim is to add as many reasons to be grateful as can possibly be imagined.
The book opens the door to a broader reflection
Despite the simplicity of the texts, each phrase opens the door to a broader reflection, which may be performed in the company of a family member. The ultimate goal is to enrich children's vision, expanding their perception and attitude to everything around them, enabling them to understand how things work in our lives and discover that everything has a beautiful side that deserves to be recognized and valued.
Positive psychology and the benefits of gratitude
Multiple studies have shown the correlation between gratitude and increased wellbeing. Much recent work has suggested that people who are more grateful have higher levels of wellbeing, are happier and feel more satisfied with their lives. Grateful people sleep better, and this seems to be because they have fewer negative thoughts just before going to sleep.
Considering how beneficial gratitude is for people, we believe that the sooner we can introduce this beneficial habit to children the better, thus ensuring that their lives will be happier and less stressful.
"Agradecer" es un libro de no ficción con 28 imágenes a todo color que se ha creado pensando en niños de edades comprendidas entre los 3 y 10 años.
El objetivo de este libro es despertar la gratitud en los niños, invitándoles a encontrar cada dÃa, algo que agradecer entre las cosas que les rodean en su vida cotidiana.
A pesar de la simplicidad de los textos, cada frase abre la puerta a una reflexión más amplÃa, que podrá ser realizada en compañÃa de algún familiar. El objetivo final es enriquecer la mirada, ampliando la percepción de los niños hacia todo lo que les envuelve, para que comprendan cuantas cosas colaboran en nuestras vidas y que todo tiene un lado positivo que merece ser reconocido y valorado.
Cómo utilizar el libro?Proponemos su lectura al acostarse, como un pequeño ritual antes de dormir, cerrando las actividades del dÃa.
Los niños no alfabetizados con el auxilio de algún ser querido, añadirán la palabra "Gracias" al significado de cada una de las imágenes. Con el tiempo, a pesar de no disponer de capacidad lectora, podrán "leer" el libro de forma independiente.
Para niños que ya leen de forma autónoma, proponemos que además de agradecer con la imagen que encontrarán en cada página, piensen en otros motivos por los cuales agradecer, con la ayuda de algunas frases que aparecen como sugerencia. El objetivo es añadir tantos motivos que agradecer como uno sea capaz de imaginar.