1 Cu l es el plural de curr culum ? El pasado de prever es previ o prevey ? Son admisibles palabras como ecologizar , empoderar , experticia o se al tica ? Hay alternativas para baby shower , fracking , selfi e o stock options ? Es apropiado usar abreviaturas en las redes sociales? Qu palabras se escriben en cursiva? Todo usuario inteligente de la lengua tropieza permanentemente con dudas. El Manual de espa ol urgente es una gu a gil y concisa para resolver todas esas cuestiones cotidianas que afean la lengua y dificultan la comunicaci n.
ENGLISH DESCRIPTION What is the plural of curr culum? Is the past tense of prever previ or prevey ? Is it permissible to use words like ecologizar, empoderar, experticia, or se al tica? Are there alternatives to baby shower, fracking, selfie, or stock options? Is it appropriate to use abbreviations in social media? Which words are written in italics? All intelligent users of the Spanish language come across doubts like these. The Urgent Spanish Manual is an agile, concise guide for resolving all these everyday issues that spoil the language and impede communication.
Fund u
The Foundation for Emergency Spanish--Fund u BBVA--is a not-for-profit organization that is focused primarily on the proper use of Spanish in the media. Founded in 2005 as part of an agreement between Agencia Efe and BBVA, its work is supported by the Real Academia Espa ola.
The Fund u BBVA team is made up of journalists, linguists, lexicographers, proofreaders, and translators.