Passionate, yet rigorous and meticulously researched, this eye-opening book holds equestrian sport up to Olympic standards and finds it sadly wanting.
Doping agents that used to cost Olympic medals, rebranded as benign 'medication'. Shell federations with no riders or horses, propped up to make the sport seem 'global'. Judging that favours spectacle over the rules. From the myth of gender equality, to the failure to prevent rollkur, to the easing of the 'blood rule' to appease riders, to horses competing with the nerves in their legs cut to numb the pain of injuries: this is a tale of entitlement, privilege, and spineless regulation, always at the expense of the horse. 'I Can't Watch Anymore' chronicles and explains how the bureaucrats who run the Federation Equestre Internationale (FEI) have stripped and sold for parts one of the oldest Olympic sports in the world until finally, there is nothing left to preserve.
This compelling book challenges the reader to confront the reality of high-level equestrian competition today and say, along with so many others, 'I can't watch anymore'.