But most of us were not given a good example. Many of us witnessed or directly experienced shaming, blaming, abuse, neglect, manipulation and games.
Unwittingly, and without knowing any better, you took on some of your parents strategies for dealing with pain and began to inherit the same dynamics that are now interfering with your own capacity to experience the freedom, joy and intimacy you deserve.
But, worst of all, if left unattended we will pass our inherited wounding down the line to our children and perpetuate the suffering that we, and those that came before us, have endured.
But it doesn't have to be that way.
In my book, Insights To Intimacy - 'Why Relationships Fail & How To Make Them Work' I show you how to heal yourself and your family through the sacred union of conscious heart intelligent relationship. I'll show you through clear step by step instructions how you can 'track' your intimacy blocks and communicate with your partner in a new way so that your 'relational operating system' gets a massive upgrade!
This is not a book of theory and untested hypothesis. The wisdom shared comes from over a decade of real-life testing with thousands of couples and groups from cultures all over the world.
Don't wait till things get worse... Learn the skills to become Heart Intelligent today and become a healthy role model for a new generation of emotionally literate individuals.
If you're not experiencing the relationship you crave, it's not your fault. Most of us grew up without ideal relationship models to learn from, and you certainly weren't taught these skills in school. This is your opportunity to change course and begin shifting the habits and patterns that have long stood between you and real love. Are you ready to end the struggle? Let's begin.