6Una persona sufre en promedio quince p rdidas importantes a lo largo de su vida. La muerte siempre ha sido nuestra mayor certeza, aunque nos empe emos en rechazarla o si quiera mencionarla. Este libro nos invita a aceptarla como lo que es: parte de la vida. Pues ambas, la vida y la muerte, son caras de una misma moneda. Y al entenderlo as estaremos en capacidad de vivir con mayor intensidad y valorar cada instante de nuestro presente, que es la nica realidad que existe. El muy esperado regreso del autor, despu s de casi cinco a os sin publicar, lo lleva de vuelta a sus ra ces m dicas: el cuidado paliativo y el acompa amiento del duelo, a los que ha dedicado 35 a os de carrera. Bienvenida muerte es el libro m s ntimo de Santiago Rojas, pues es aqu donde compila las mayores ense anzas que ha recibido de sus pacientes en el lecho de muerte. Sus palabras logran conectar con el lector, para invitarlo a reflexionar sobre este tema, y su texto es como una aguja que se clava en el pecho, poco a poco, hasta llegar al fondo del coraz n. ==================================================================================================== Dr. Santiago Rojas gathers some of the most important life lessons he has received from his patients in their deathbeds. A person suffers on average fifteen major losses throughout his life. Death has always been our greatest certainty, even if we insist on rejecting it or even mentioning it. This book invites us to accept it for what it is: a part of life. For both, life and death, are two sides of the same coin. And by understanding this, we will be able to live with greater intensity and value every moment in the present, which is the only reality that exists. The long-awaited return of the author, after almost five years without publishing, takes him back to his medical roots: palliative care and the accompaniment of grief, to which he has dedicated his 35-year career. Bienvenida muerte is his most intimate book yet. His words manage to connect with the reader, to invite them to reflect on this issue, and his text is like a needle that is stuck into the chest, little by little, until it reaches the bottom of the heart.