alized Tibetan Master Thrangu Rinpoche, is a companion volume to the classic medi¬tation manual--Clarifying the Natural State. In his straightfor¬ward and lucid style Rinpoche gives us an indis¬pen¬sable guidebook for insight practice (vipashyana). For people who want more than just theory, this is a handbook that begins with watch¬ing the breath and leads practitioners through stages of realization, all the way to complete enlightenment.
"In Mahamudra, as one takes the path of direct percep¬tion, a per¬son can obtain true and complete enlightenment within the same body and lifetime. Whatever the situation, Mahamudra provides appropriate methods and techniques. So, whether one is able to undertake a lot of hardship or not, whether one is very diligent or not, whichever type of person you might be there is always great benefit in practic¬ing Mahamudra. The practice can be done in the solitude of retreat or while involved in the daily complexities of mod¬ern life. Mahamudra training is always applicable in any situation, at any moment of life."
--Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche