6The greatest thing that God has done for us is to give us the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Almighty Spirit of God. He's the One Who communicates the presence of God. So many Christians have never really known the importance of that. That's what made Jesus 'the Christ.' It was the Spirit's indwelling that made Him who He was. That's the Spirit that makes us children of God today.
The Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Trinity revealed to the Christian. He is one with the Father and the Son (1 John 5:7). He is neither less important nor less powerful. He is God and co-equal with the Father and the Son.
Right from the beginning of the Scriptures, we're introduced to the Person of the Holy Spirit; and throughout the Scriptures, we're further acquainted with Him, His power and His Person. In all of these, His ministry is clearly revealed - not to exalt Himself, but to lead us and reveal to us the Person of Jesus.
Ephesians 5:18:
"And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;"
The ministry of the Holy Spirit in the life of the Christian is so vital. This is why Paul, by the Spirit, gave us this all-important charge to continually be filled with the Holy Spirit. He also prayed concerning the communion of the Holy Ghost in 2 Corinthians 13:14
"The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen."
This is talking about a relationship, a fellowship with the Holy Spirit, for He is a person, and you can maintain a relationship with Him. You can talk to Him and commune with Him. A lot of us have missed out on the blessings of such a communion because we've not taken time to understand the Holy Spirit. But when you know the Holy Spirit and recognize the importance of communing with Him, you'll constantly desire to have the fullness of the Spirit, and then you will experience the blessings of that wonderful fellowship.
In this book, I have highlighted seven vital blessings that the Holy Spirit brings into the life of every child of God who has allowed Him to fill them and occupy their vessels; seven blessings that will bring an amazing transformation in your life as you yield to the influence of the Holy Spirit