At a time when public discourse rages on about what students should or should not be taught, when books are being banned, when school shootings fill the news, and when families are still reeling from the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic--here comes The Magical Place We Call School. With its fresh focus on the power and perils of education, it's an intentional way of thinking that will intrigue readers everywhere.
In her literary debut, school principal Dr. Kathleen Corley, a forty-year veteran in elementary education, writes knowingly and with unique humor and insight about the value of education, how kids think and learn, what they need to succeed in and out of school, and how their home life affects their performance. Plus, she tackles some of the most daunting societal issues impacting children today, from bullying to gun violence and beyond.
Dr. Corley reminds us that something extraordinary still occurs in classrooms across America--not just miraculously, but by design and with tenacity.
In The Magical Place We Call School, Corley shares human interest stories that shed light on what is and isn't working and provides a calm hand and a much-needed perspective from the front lines of learning. Her deep caring for the children, educators, and parents in her midst shines through, providing a true sense of what she calls "the magic of schools." It's a book not to be missed.