Some of these stories, such as When Sea Meets Shore, Haunted Legacy, and The Reaper's Choice, continue stories from the first anthology, following Argunite, Nasiri, and Kirut respectively. Others, like Tides of Restoration and Grandmother's Roots introduce new characters and cultures, such as merfolk of the Kentarim Sea and Maku in a distant realm far beyond the known world. The final novella in this anthology, Tempered in Ash and Blood, follows the perspective of a killer whale when he and two young cousins are separated from the pod in the aftermath of a devastating volcano. He must not only provide himself and the calves with food, but also defend them from sea serpents and other threats hungry, malicious, and hauntingly familiar...
For those who seek adventure and cherish the call of the sea, this second installment in Tales of Kaimere promises danger, romance, supernatural horror, and many wonders of the natural world.
Cheers, folks!