Let's set sail with a ghost pirate crew doomed to forever float the Florida Everglades. Let's hunt the Bell Witch with Andrew Jackson. Let's find Bigfoot in newspaper archives, well before he was a lovable beef jerky salesman. Let's stand on the bank of the Pascagoula River for one of the most well-known UFO abduction cases in American history. Let's also stroll around New Orleans for haunted tales that just won't end.
Haint Blues applies a reporter's research techniques to find the best information behind some of the South's best paranormal stories, digging through old books, newspaper archives, and more. Haint Blues also applies a Southerner's sense of a good story to deliver these amazing tales in a way that tastes good, like sweet tea or biscuits and gravy.
Toby Sells is a veteran newspaper reporter with an endless curiosity of mysteries, folklore, and the unexplained. He also holds a deep reverence for the South, especially his beloved Tennessee.