When Teddy's unpleasant cousins Justin and Wendy visit his home in Alaska for Spring Break, Hermes Willowlands, a mystical sorcerer who lives in the nearby Enlightened Mountains, is forced to evacuate the three cousins from Teddy's village into the wilderness with the help of his two magical pets Watt and Fade to save them from a force of pure darkness known as the Oracle who is rumored to return from her mysterious prison in Hermes's magical artifact. After joining forces with Rowena Finnegan, April Finnegan, and Grace Odious, a trio trekking through the forests of Alaska on a quest to find the man who plots to unleash the Oracle, the group realizes they must travel from the snowy Metronome Woodland to the top of the cold, dark Purple Mountains to escape the danger. On the way, they must encounter allies, enemies, bandits, hunters, and the harsh dangers of the Alaskan wilderness, but in the end, will Teddy be able to convince his cousins to fight for what's right, and will he, Hermes, and their new comrades be able to defeat the unstoppable monstrosity from conquering the entire world?