The full story is now being shared by Jeff Jansen's wife and ministry partner for twenty-eight years, Jan Jansen. This book is a candid narrative that sheds light on things that were hidden behind closed doors, as Jeff Jansen began a shocking and steady downward spiral, the years of abuse, substance addiction and the affects of a disorder not widely known about or understood, finally taking their toll. The period of living with, and ministering with Jeff Jansen is shared honestly by the woman who steadfastly continued to forgive him, and to give him every chance to turn things around. It is her hope that this book will serve as a warning to the prophetic church, urging all ministers to embrace a life of holiness and true reverence for the Lord, and to yield to being accountable to others in the faith. The anointing of God is a supernatural gift, but our integrity is the gift we give back to Him.
It is Jan's belief that "The Rise And Fall Of A Prophet" could just as easily be titled "The Rise And Fall Of A Worshiper" or "The Rise And Fall Of A Pastor" or "The Rise And Fall Of A Sunday School Teacher". Anyone is susceptible to falling, especially following a meteoric rise. She urges the reader to recognize the signs that lead to such a fall, and to seek help in order to avoid the sad and tragic ending of a man who once walked with God.