In Light: A Fairy Tale, step into the enchanting world of Prince John, a newly crowned king who feels unprepared to rule his kingdom. Overshadowed by the fourteen imposing portraits of his legendary ancestors, John dreams of bringing greatness to his reign but lacks the wisdom to do so. That is, until a mysterious witch gifts him a magical candle containing the spirits of the most brilliant light mages in history: Einstein, Snell, deBroglie, and Young.
With their guidance, John embarks on a luminous journey to master the secrets of light and color, discovering concepts like the speed of light, wave nature, and the mysteries of reflection, refraction, and diffraction. Will Prince John's newfound knowledge help him bring true illumination to his kingdom?
But this book isn't just a tale of magic and discovery-it's a tool for learning! Inside, you'll find:
Perfect for ages 10-12, Light: A Fairy Tale introduces foundational concepts in optics, including Snell's Law, the double-slit experiment, the de Broglie equation, and the electromagnetic spectrum. This 68-page book is designed to make learning physics fun, imaginative, and unforgettable.
Bring the wonder of light into your child's world with Light: A Fairy Tale and inspire a lifelong love of science and storytelling!