personal story of the emotions I went through as I watched major TV networks about what was going on with the future of this great Nation. I feel a compelling reason, deep in my heart, to express these emotions after observing the democratic form of government on the verge of extinction as we face a new presidential election for America's Leader. I was scared because I perceived whether America would remain a "beacon on the hill" or whether America that I know, adore, and have adopted as my new home would fall from the height of her realm of glory into a "despicable bottomless pit." I felt "VERY SCARRED" of an existential end to democracy. However, as the Democratic National Convention (DNC) proceeded, I felt a certain form of relief. Ask me how I spell that relief. "KAMALA HARRIS FOR PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA COME NOVEMBER 5, 2025; AND GOVERNOR WALT AS HER VICE PRESIDENT."