hood with Mother-wound
Wilted Flowers is more than a book of poetry; it is a companion for those on a healing journey. The poems navigate the complexities of motherhood with a mother-wound, exploring themes of pain, resilience, and hope. Each poem serves as a reminder that while the past may have left us wilted, we have the power to nurture ourselves back to wholeness.
"Wait till you have kidsthat behave just like you. But I did.I did have kids that are just like me. And I realized how easy it was to love me. How easy it was to be kind, to not belittle and humiliate. I have kids that are just like me, but they will never feel my heartbreak." This excerpt from the book encapsulates the heart of Wilted Flowers, highlighting a mother's determination to protect her children from the pain she endured, ensuring they never feel the same heartbreak.