is having difficulty catching herring for his meals. His tummy continues to growl as he paddles aimlessly in the waters off the coast of Iceland. Inspired by the migrating puffin birds of Eastern Egg Rock Island in Maine, Iceland's coast and the National Audubon Society Puffin Project, this kindergarten-early elementary aged appropriate picture book captures the imagination of children who hear this story. It is well researched to accurately represent the elements of early puffin life but in a fictional storyline. The authors have read aloud this book to classes of different age groups (ages 4-8) and received rave reviews. Not only is the rhythm and repetition of the story's opening pages engaging, but the twist in the story surprised the young listeners. The children were very attentive to all parts of the story including the ending which is critical. They enjoyed that the parents assisted the baby puffling and the plan they devised, as well as the reward to the little one. It is an excellent book for discussion.