Model essays * Grade 9 * GCSE exam practice * By an experienced tutor/examinerThis book, written by a
qualified and
experienced GCSE teacher, tutor and
examiner, is ideal for helping secondary school students improve essay writing on the Power and Conflict poems in preparation for the AQA GCSE English Literature exams.
Each chapter contains an
exam task and a
planning checklist designed to help students do regular timed writing practice. There are also fifteen complete
model essays to help students understand what a good essay looks like. Each
model essay demonstrates what the examiners are looking for:
- a critical writing style
- an informed personal response
- use of textual references, including embedded quotations
- analysis of language, form and structure
- relevant subject terminology where appropriate
- demonstration of relationship between text and context
- accurate spelling and punctuation
Y10/11 students: use the model essays to help you revise for your exams.
Y7/8/9 students: use the model essays at KS3 to prepare for Years 10 and 11.