8Whether you're new to carnivorous plants or an experienced gardener, Cultivating Carnivorous Plants is the definitive guide. Covering every genus of carnivore, Cultivating contains an array of easy to understand guides to growing every carnivorous plant, no matter what your growing conditions. Cultivating is as useful to the casual gardener as to the intense hobbyist.New growers will love the guide to constructing a bog garden, growing pitcher plants (both American Pitcher Plants and Tropical Pitcher Plants), helping their venus flytraps flourish, and figuring out how to grow butterworts.Experienced growers will love the tables full of valuable insights into the native conditions for every species of carnivore. These guides will assist experienced hobbyists figure out how to design setups that can maximize their growing potential.If you're searching for more information on Aldrovanda, Brocchinia, Catopsis, Cephalotus, Darlingtonia, Dionaea, Drosera, Drosophyllym, Genlisea, Healiamphor, Nepenthes, Pinguicula, Roridula, Sarracenia, Triphyophyllum, and Utricularia.