ics & get good exam scores, this book is filled with solved problems. Unlike other books, all problems are solved with FREE, full solutions. The solutions have been improved by 10+ years of student feedback. It is the quality of the solutions which truly sets this book apart. Volume 4 covers calculus-based electricity and magnetism (E & M).Topics include:
Coulomb's law & electric fields
Continuous distributions of charge & Gauss's law
Electric potential, capacitance, & DC capacitor circuits
Resistivity, current, current density, & electrical power
DC resistor circuits & Kirchhoff's voltage law
RC/RL transients & LC oscillators
LRC series circuits & filter circuits
Magnetism in matter, Maxwell's equations, & EM waves
Note: the problems in each chapter start out easy (high school level) but by the end, if you want them, there are problems which challenge even the most bad-ass university student majoring in physics.