Do your supplications feel weak and fruitless? Afraid you're missing an essential element when you request assistance from on high? Struggling to aid others through your entreaties? With over twenty-two years in ministry, pastor Dr. Toby Lofton has helped thousands of people grow their faith through leadership, counseling, and coaching. Now he's here to share the things Jesus asked of his Heavenly Father, so you can align your prayers with those of Christ.
Jesus: 21 Days That Can Change the Way You Pray is an easy-to-follow devotional that teaches you how to beseech God just as the Messiah did in the Bible. Through simple, everyday language, this comprehensive resource walks you through each of the Savior's prayers in the New Testament. By understanding that modern-day Christians sometimes pray differently to the way Jesus did, you'll be able to adjust your approach to better follow the Lord's path.
In Jesus: 21 Days That Can Change the Way You Pray, you'll discover:Jesus: 21 Days That Can Change the Way You Pray is the first installment in the PrecisionFaith Prayer Series to help you soar to the next level of living for Christ. If you like insightful analysis, scripture-based advice, and reflective dialogue, then you'll adore Dr. Toby Lofton's life-changing book.
Buy Jesus: 21 Days That Can Change the Way You Pray to reach Him with love today!