9The Electric Ecosystem opens the door to the electric life of the natural world. It is a scientifically substantiated introduction to the unseen energy dimensions of humans, animals, plants and the earth. Bees charge themselves like batteries, birds google their own internet for the best restaurants, frogs float on magnetic fields and seals use their radar moustache. The book creates a different view of the world, where chemical reactions are no longer the only decisive factor, but where everything appears to revolve around electricity and magnetism. Next to this, it also introduces a concerning reality, because the ever-increasing use of artificial radiation involves risks. Radiation from transmitter masts, for example, damages trees, affects cow behaviour, impacts the human immunity system and derails cell growth. Numerous questions are issued to fuel the important dialogue that is now needed to find new and safe ways forward with the, as yet, unknown electric side of nature. Also, the discovery of the electric side of nature brings a hopeful perspective because, even though sources of radiation may cause damage, specific frequencies can be assisting in processes of healing. The book raises awareness about the vulnerability of the natural electric ecosystem in which everything appears to be interconnected.