I might have described myself as innocent a few months ago, but that was before my schoolgirl crush turned into something real and passionate beyond my wildest imagination. Now my lustful appetite has awoken and there is no going back.
The problem is, no one else can know what I do when alone with Mr. Collins because it would jeopardise his career. Other people wouldn't understand what we have.
At least graduation is just around the corner and I will strike off lying and deception from my current list of sins. That is my hope, but will I find the courage to be completely honest with everyone?
Note: "I Heart Mr. Collins" is a contemporary romance that tells the steamy tale of a forbidden love between a senior high school girl and her English teacher. There is some explicit content, but this is not erotica and most of the heat comes from the foreplay rather than the sexual acts themselves.
Warning: While minimal, there is some sexual violence in this book that may be a trigger for abuse victims.