Join ten-year-old James, seven-year-old Mandy, and their sometimes mischievous but always lovable German shepherd, Rosco, in a collection of seasonal short stories. With black-and-white chapter illustrations, these stories of varying length will appeal to younger readers as well as to established Rosco the Rascal fans, with six stories for Fall and Winter, one for each month.
September: Bring Your Pet to School Day: Rosco joins Mandy at school for a show-and-tell gone wrong!
October: Rosco the Rascal Trick-or-Treats: Will the friendly neighborhood haunted house scare the wits out of Mandy? Join the whole gang in this trip around the block on Halloween!
November: A Tale for Thanksgiving: James' and Mandy's grandmother returns to tell a tale about the first Thanksgiving.
December: Christmas Magic: When Rosco hears pawing on the roof late at night on Christmas Eve, will he ever get a glimpse of Santa Clause and the reindeer, or is it all too magical?
January: New Friends in January: When the kids return to school after winter break, Rosco is suddenly very lonely. But when a new dog moves in next door, he might just find his best pal ever.
February: The Legend of Cupid: Traditions and rumors abound in this Valentine's Day story full of Rosco's typical misinterpretations.
*Recommended for ages 6-11. Grades K-5
*All books in the series, including this one, were designed to be read in any order*Look for the Spring & Summer Short Story Collection in April 2023!
*With twelve thousand page reads on Wattpad, these stories have been well-loved by children for years. Now, the existing stories have been re-edited and illustrated to create this six-month ebook and paperback collection.