Focusing on Jerry, George, Elaine, and Kramer, the sitcom has been described as a show about nothing. With classic episodes like "The Chinese Restaurant," "The Parking Garage," and "The Contest" and pop culture catchphrases such as "Hello, Newman..." "No soup for you!" and "Serenity now!", Seinfeld storylines continue to be relevant and topical today.
Inside find:
- Over 70 Crossword Puzzles with clues for beginners and experts.
- Crossword Puzzles that reference fun quotes, characters, situations, sight gags, and props.
- Great 8" x 10" book size, perfect for storage and taking places.
- References to all 180 episodes.
- Big print helps you to visualize and solve puzzles faster.
- Crossword puzzles are a great way to boost your brain and help alleviate boredom.
The perfect gift for any "Seinfeld" television show fanatic! Relive the fun adventures of Jerry, George, Elaine and Kramer today!