The Power of Breathing is an exploratory guidebook that describes and teaches us the lost art and science of breathing. It is also a history book that educates us on our ancestors' breathing practices and lifestyle that ensured they remained mostly healthy and more resilient than the current generation.
The book tells us how our ability to breathe has deteriorated over the ages and why our cavemen ancestors didn't snore. Breathing in different patterns really can influence our body weight and overall health. How we breathe really does affect the size and function of our lungs. Breathing allows us to hack into our own nervous system, control our immune system, and restore our health. Changing how we breathe will help us live longer.
No matter what we eat, how much we exercise, how resilient our genes are, how skinny of young or wise we are - none of it will matter unless we're breathing correctly. The missing pillar in health is breath. It all starts there.