Many of the memoirs of Holocaust survivors most of whom are now deceased - have "living links" between them and family members who learned of that dark past through the words of their parents, grandparents and relatives. But what of those whose memoirs have no living link to connect them to the present? Who speaks for them? Is the authenticity of a narrative compromised if there are no longer living witnesses to the testimony of those who lived through the horrors?
In this horrific holocaust stories book, you will discover:
Chapter One: Concentration Camp Auschwitz-Main Camp
Chapter Two: A "Trial" and Camp Organization
Chapter Three: Love and Sex in Auschwitz
Chapter Four: Lessons in Architecture
Chapter Five: Routines in Auschwitz
Chapter Six: The Deportations from Auschwitz Begin
And so much more!
Let's not waste any more time! Dive in and start reading!