In an unfortunate turn of events, Joe Golden, the main character in this story, passes away after a fatal car accident. Readers are invited to follow Joe on his journey to After Here. The expedition traverses through the seasons, beautifully captured and vividly described by one of the most talented authors in the genre, Dave Wolffe.
As Joe encounters people who have passed on before him, he searches for one person in particular. He is on a mission to find his beloved wife, who predeceased him one year prior to his death.
In the polarity between life and death, one certain force in the universe is equally perplexing and powerful. It is an emotion woven into our beings as humans, as we find our loved ones to live with forever.
Immerse yourself in expectation of what could be on the other side of the veil. The author delves into thought-provoking details on his riveting perspectives of the afterlife.
After Here is more than just a story about life and death. It is a message of hope for all those who are coping with the loss of their loved ones. Unlike most afterlife fiction and non-fiction novels, it is not based on any religious belief. It is non-imposing, and lets readers paint their own perceptions and expectations of what lies beyond. It is an ode to grief and healing.
Dave Wolffe has specifically written the story for those who have suffered the loss of their spouse or friends. The idea for the story developed when he was approximately sixty years old, and thought about his own mortality. It is a story intended to bring hope to those whose loved ones are no longer alive, and they are in a pleasant environment surrounded by others who have also passed.