The village of Blowing Rock, nestled on the crest of the Blue Ridge, has a storied past made more colorful by the contributions of a unique variety of residents. Dr. Barry Buxton, a native of Blowing Rock, has written a fascinating and deeply moving narrative about eight remarkable women of Blowing Rock's past that shaped the town's future.
Each heroine chronicled in Queens of Blowing Rock overcame insurmountable odds to achieve great objectives for the town. With each brick and plank that built schools, churches, hospitals, and libraries, the women left an indelible legacy of compassion and purpose.
Queens of Blowing Rock provides in-depth insight into the love the women had for their majestic mountain town and its residents. The "queens" mentioned in the book serve as excellent role models of courage, determination, and honor for young women of today.
Written for readers of all ages and interests, Queens of Blowing Rock will especially appeal to historians, women, and students. The author uses impeccable research and scholarly objectivity to spin a true narrative of bravery, perseverance, and desire to help the less fortunate. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, Queens of Blowing Rock will delight and inform readers with every page turned while elevating and celebrating the accomplishments of eight incredible women.