Judy Carter was born in McCormick, South Carolina. Raised by a struggling single mother, Judy's childhood was marred by the constant battle to make ends meet. From early childhood to high school and college years, Judy contended with the constraints of poverty and societal expectations. As Judy grew, so did her interest in education and her desire to make a better life for herself. She began her career in teaching at an elementary school and moved into positions in higher education. Her tenacity in learning served her well as she climbed to the top of her chosen profession, all the while dealing with challenges in her personal life.
Call Me Judy showcases the story of an unlikely heroine, born into difficult circumstances and yet changing the trajectory of her own life through her own perseverance and grit. This memoir will appeal to readers who love stories of strong women who overcame the odds and educators looking for a role model in their profession. Call Me Judy is a memoir that tells a difficult but ultimately triumphant story of how one poor girl turned into a distinguished professor and dean.