d passed boards, do you think you're ready to treat patients? Your school taught you how to be the best clinician possible but in the real world, there's more to it than just treating the physical body of the patient. Patients after all, are people too! Not only that but you are now part of a team of competing personalities. Furthermore, you now must juggle your own mental health as you treat other's. Healthcare can be exhausting but this book shows you that there's more to treating patients than just showing up to work. The stories and examples included will reinforce how to effectively communicate with patients in a compassionate way, how to be a part of a team, and how to protect yourself from burnout and stagnancy while treating patients.
Your school taught you as much as they could but consider this a class in bedside manner, not only to patients but to everyone you encounter as a healthcare professional. We all got into healthcare because we want to help the patient, but have we neglected to build a relationship with the patient? How do we respond to the criticisms of other members on our team? How do we prevent ourselves from becoming jaded toward our own profession? How do we navigate today's storm of job opportunities? It's time we refocused our mindset back on the importance of how to treat people.