An exciting new children's book hits the shelves, celebrating the grand cities, cozy islands, and lush countryside of South Carolina. In The Adventures of Two Brown Dogs, a pair of Boykin Spaniels named Bud and Lady travel across the entire state, visiting their favorite landmarks.
These two precious canine siblings are off to explore the world of their home state in vivid, painterly detail. Bud and Lady wag their tails through parks and cities from the Blue Ridge mountains to Charleston. Now you can visit South Carolina with a pair of Boykin Spaniels who have a heart for adventure.
The gorgeous illustrations in this book will warm the hearts of South Carolina natives-and if you're not from this incredible state, you'll definitely want to come for a visit! Embark with Bud and Lady to:
. . . And so much more!
Written by lifelong South Carolina native Summer Shieder, this book is a testament to the magic of the state to capture hearts and imaginations. Illustrator Margaret Wienges captures every noteworthy landmark with an astounding degree of love and care. This is a book made by people who know and love South Carolina-and if you don't already, you will too. A fun and entertaining read, The Adventures of Two Brown Dogs is perfect for libraries, classroom, and children and their families.