Who We Wish We Weren't introduces us to Cameron Stacks, a family man living a seemingly idyllic life in Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, until an unexpected life-altering event thrusts him into an unfamiliar world. The aftermath leads to a loss of employment, and a profound struggle to accept and understand his new reality.
Cameron finds himself self-medicating and his refusal to seek help strains his relationship with Lena, his perfectionist wife. The story takes a darker twist when events reveal themselves during a manic episode, leading to an irreparable rift in his relationships, causing catastrophic consequences of denial.
or are you the one casting them?
Her first novel, Who We Wish We Weren't, is a hard-hitting examination of mental health, love, loss, and the destructive repercussions of denial. A heart-wrenching tale, it compels readers to reconsider their attitudes towards mental health and the significance of seeking timely help.