One Innocent Comment follows Maggie Carpenter, an unsuspecting executive whose casual dinner conversation unknowingly triggers a chain of events that puts her and countless others in grave danger. Terrorist sleeper cells plan to unleash chaos by detonating dirty bombs in stores across America during the Black Friday sales. As the holiday season approaches, the international law enforcement community scrambles to thwart the imminent threat.
Dan Kardan, an FBI agent exhausted from a long week, overhears his girlfriend Sara and her friend Maggie discussing something odd about Tiger Eye Enterprises. Initially dismissing it as office talk, Dan's heart races when he realizes Maggie's innocent comment might be the key to a devastating terrorist plot. With the clock ticking, Dan and his team must navigate a web of deceit, race against time, and stop the terrorists before it's too late.
Packed with suspense and real-world scenarios, One Innocent Comment is a gripping thriller that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. Discover how an ordinary day can turn into a deadly race for survival and what it means to be aware of your surroundings in a world where danger lurks around every corner.