our story with the world. It is redemption at its best. The Lord works all things out for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Sex, drugs, and rock & roll is where I wanted to live my life. I believed I used drugs and alcohol because I just "wanted" too. Eventually, they would become more important than anything else and take me to places I did not want to go, help me hurt people I did not want to hurt and lose everything! I come from Delair, NJ. I am the youngest of 3 brothers. I grew up in a great home with loving parents. I heard "I love you" daily from my parents. I was not abused in any way. I have no real excuse for becoming the person I did. I believed God was a fable and Jesus the worst of all imaginary characters. I worked hard and played harder, went after what I wanted and would have walked over you to get it. The rooms of recovery have a stigma for being only for drug addicts and alcoholics. While living out the 12 Steps daily, with the help of Jesus, I have learned these rooms are for much more than just addictions and compulsive behaviors. My journey to meet Jesus is not like most peoples. Our first step in recovery is admitting there is a problem. Our main issue is the lack of a relationship with our creator and the evidence is in the way we live our lives. This relationship was lost, stolen, and relinquished in the beginning of time and you can read about it in the Bible. Genesis Chapter 3 explains this in detail. Missing this relationship was the driving force behind the issues in my life, not alcohol, sex, or drugs. These were my solutions to the problem. Jesus has a plan! It's much better than mine ever would or could be. I'd be taught how to "change a thought and move a muscle" to learn discipline and obedience. Jesus would have to step into my life and change it, if anything was to change, since He is the one who does that. I would write Him off to ever help me, love me, or even see me! At the end of my rope, unexpectedly, He showed up and changed everything! I learned what FORGIVENSS is and how He paid for mine. HOPE is real and it's available to you just like it is to me. A gift from God? Not exactly. There was a price that had to be paid, you and I are just not the ones who have to pay it or ever could. Truth is not an idea, or a statement made of words, it's not something intangible. Truth is a person, a visible form of an invisible God. JESUS, and He has a plan!