, photogenic, having lots of friends, and just a cool dude were enough, Dude wouldn't have a care in the world. As it turns out, he has a very practical problem...not enough food. Dude is clever enough to figure it out, though, and that's when his resourcefulness kicks in. He makes friends with a great guy, a dog, and observes cats and people who seem to have plenty of what he needs, food! Other animals look up to him, even squirrels think Dude can solve their own need for food. That's when Dude realizes he has to change his ways. When he sleeps all day, as a
nocturnal animal, all the food is gone by the time he wakes up. Dude needs to change his ways, so ultimately he decides to become
diurnal, realizing that being awake during the daytime will solve his problem.
This story introduces the words nocturnal and diurnal and concept of nocturnal and diurnal animals, and is an appropriate and entertaining story for children in 2nd and 3rd grades, or younger readers for story time with adults. With beautiful color illustrations throughout, it is 34 pages long.