A starving kitten who discovers a secret hidden in the San Francisco bay...
A witch's cat, a scientist's cat, and a cat who recognizes no owner...
In this collection, follow the adventures of the beloved tabby cat Shreddy as he faces off with zombies, ghosts, gryphons, foolhardy dogs, and all sorts of household appliances.
Then meet a series of cats whose stories will take you from heartbreak to joy, showing the magic in our own world through the reflection of a cat's eyes.
Necromouser contains four all new stories and five Ursa Major nominated stories, including "Shreddy and the Carnivorous Plant."
Contains the following stories by Mary Lowd:
The Necromouser
Shreddy and the Zomb-dogs
Shreddy and the Silver Egg
Shreddy and the Christmas Ghost
Shreddy and the Dancing Dragon
Shreddy and the Carnivorous Plant
Songs of Fish and Flowers
Katelynn the Mythic Mouser
The Wharf Cat's Mermaid
Magtwilla and the Mouse
Cold Tail and the Eyes
All the Cats of the Rainbow
In a Cat's Eyes