Malakai, or "Super Mali," as he calls himself, is a remarkable five-year-old boy with a strong sense of self, an active imagination, and extraordinary confidence. Be not deceived-his obvious pint size delivers a really big message: "How others see us is not as important as how we perceive ourselves."
This affirmation book is an ode to self-love, self-confidence, and dreaming big. It empowers children to believe in themselves and gives them permission to be as big as they feel. Our words matter. They become our inner voice. Malakai represents every little boy and girl who is connected to the magic that we all possess.
"Super Mali" will inspire children to unleash their very own superpowers within-strength, resilience, positivity, truth, kindness, and imagination-giving them the courage to be themselves and proudly wear their cape, even if that means just being their own hero.