This book was written by me - a regular, healthy, happy, successful, very normal I might add... person, who happens to have suffered through all of the implications - both real and perceived - of living life during and after divorce.
Am I qualified to write on this topic? Well, if you want to learn from someone who has actually been divorced, survived and even thrived, and has some thought-provoking ideas about how to navigate divorce intentionally and, in some cases, even avoid it - then the answer is YES. You won't just read words - you will take action.
What you take away from the information in these pages will depend on where you are at in your marriage. My hope is that you will realize there is not just one way to do divorce, or to do a relationship, or to find peace. What that looks like is very personal for each one of us.
Learn from my mistakes or make your own. But whatever you choose, find the joy along the way and come out the other side a stronger, more confident, more empathetic version of yourself.