Yikes! What in the name of crazy do I do now?
Sometimes I've had to live in survival mode. Anybody else know what I'm talking about?
Over time, I discovered some tips and tricks here and there.
Sometimes my mom life inspired me with ideas for the classroom and sometimes it was the other way around.
Kids Are Worth It is about parenting and teaching children.
My experiences in the classroom have helped to shape the way I see our most vulnerable little citizens. It makes sense to me that we should look to teachers for inspiration for raising our children outside the structured school setting.
I'm hoping that what I've written can be a springboard for helping parents and others who have relationships with kiddos. My objective is not to present an exact formula but rather, share ideas with the expectation that adults will naturally personalize them for their child's unique personality and unique situations.
All I really know is that with little rule testers, I needed all the help I could get while always looking for an end that resulted in healthy, self-confident, humble, and kind little souls.
So let's always ask, "Are we doing what's best for the children?" because together, we can do more than merely survive. We can thrive!
Our kids make this world of craziness worth it.
Let the good times grow!