Michelle McKinney Hammond conoce las bolas curvas de la vida. Ella ha atrapado muchas de ellas. Pero cuando estaba de visita en Inglaterra para dar unas charlas y el mundo de repente entró en modo de confinamiento debido a la pandemia de COVID-19, la tomó por sorpresa igual que a nosotros. Era hora de que ella cambiara de marcha.
Como una amiga que ha estado donde tú estás ahora, Michelle ofrece una voz tranquilizadora: Cuando todo cambió Dile sí a lo próximo! Tejiendo historias de las Escrituras con relatos de su propia vida, ofrece lecciones sinceras, oraciones y preguntas de reflexión para ayudarte a abrazar lo próximo que llegue a tu vida.
Cuando todo cambió...
"La mentalidad lo es todo cuando te enfrentas a un cambio inesperado", señala Michelle. "...Estés listo o no, el cambio sucede. No es el fin. Siempre hay un 'próximo'!" Dile que sí!
When life circumstances change, we feel insecure and uncomfortable. Whether the causes of change are pandemics, natural disasters, personal trauma, or workplace issues, we find ourselves hurt, surprised, and confused about what to do. Michelle McKinney Hammond knows the curveballs of life. She has caught many of them. But when she was visiting England to give talks and the world suddenly went into lockdown mode due to the COVID-19 pandemic, she was caught by surprise just like us. It was time for her to change gears. Like a friend who's been where you are now, Michelle offers a reassuring voice: When Everything Changed: Say Yes to the Next Thing! Weaving stories from Scripture with accounts from her own life, she offers candid lessons, prayers, and thoughtful questions to help you embrace whatever comes your way next. "Mindset is everything when you're faced with unexpected change," says Michelle. "Whether you are ready or not, change happens. It is not the end. There is always a 'next'!" Say yes to your next!