Imprisoned by my own circumstances and ignorant about life, education opened my eyes to a new way of living. The strength I needed to go on was based on an unseen force that moved me forward. My faith could move mountains, but faith alone does not make a woman. Growing up comes with a cost. For some teenagers who are facing unidentified or undiagnosed psychological issues, being patient with life itself is not an option. We tend to run toward something, never really knowing what that something is. The price I had to pay growing up was sometimes greater than I could bear.
When you're an adult, you see people in the street and think nothing of it. You pass them by without even looking at them. That person you just passed by has lived a life that no one else could understand. The somber look on their faces hides truths that would shock you. The life I lived, of always running, is hidden deep inside my soul.
I found the courage through education and hope through my belief in God to leave.