In 2018, I was counseling with a young man who was considering abandoning the Christian faith. I asked him if he was reading the Bible daily, and he stated that he was but that he did not get much from it. I gave him a specific challenge--continue reading the Bible daily, but text me a verse or two that spoke to him directly. He agreed, and together we began sharing daily verses with each other.
Over time, we began to share not only the verses but what exactly the Lord said through those verses. Within two months, this young man renewed his commitment to Christ, and within six months, he became one of our young adult Bible teachers. Chairside Chats with God was birthed from these texts where I shared what God was saying to me through my daily Bible reading.
These devotionals are built around the One Year Bible reading plan, but they could easily be altered to fit with any year-long Bible-reading schedule. This devotional is not intended as a substitute for reading Scripture. It is intended to show how God will speak by listening intently for His voice in His Written Word. I am confident that God will use this guide to help any believer grow in faith as he or she walks through the Bible.