a suburban Detroit high school, is on a mission to chase his dream of earning a place on the baseball team, despite grappling with a disability. As spring unfolds, heralding the anticipation of the 2005 All-Star Game in Detroit, Robbie navigates the tumultuous waters of high school life, each day bringing him closer to the trials and tryouts.Amidst the challenges, he contends with the taunts of bullies, the complexities of family dynamics, and the quest for acceptance among his peers and potential teammates. His journey is one many young readers will find relatable, with familiar faces and scenarios playing out against the backdrop of adolescent ambition.As Robbie perseveres, strong female figures grace his path, notably his spirited grandmother. She unveils a family secret: a hidden account of an integrated baseball game held on their family farm during the era of segregation, a monumental game featuring the stars of both Major and Negro Leagues.With each revelation and hurdle, Robbie inches closer to his dream. The camaraderie of baseball begins to transcend the boundaries on and off the field, intertwining with Robbie's personal quest for acceptance and achievement.