In the best of times and the worst of times, whether we like the changing times that take place in our lives or not, we must keep pushing onward toward the goal, the purpose God has set before us. We need God's favor working in our lives to keep up with the fast pace of these changing times. When we find we have missed the mark, repent and ask for forgiveness. God is in the soul-saving business. He will hear your honest cries to him. He loves the humbled soul, the repenting heart; he hates the proud and boastful.
As the scenes of life play out, every passing moment counts in our lives. We must avail knowing we live in the valley of decisions. Someone once said, "Walk softly and carry a big stick. You will go far." We have come to earth from an incredibly special place in God's heart; we will return to that special place, where we will meet our creator. What will we have to show him from our visit to earth?
As the wheels of life turn, we learn to cope with the dust storms that arise from living. How you choose to receive God's droplets of life is up to you. Give thanks to Almighty God for the strength to go through, and live on the other side of the storms that must come.