I give all the thanks and praise to the forgiving powers of the Good Lord Almighty for who I have become. I always thought and used to say that I was one of the Good Lord's favorite toys because He was so often playing with me yet was always protecting me. When I look back on my life, I always shake my head, laugh and feel shame, for all the stupid things that I did and put myself, friends and loved ones through. I thank God that I survived it all and that he always reeled me back in. I know now that I am finally where he wants me in life, being that my life has now become all about spreading the Good News of His forgiving powers and love for mankind.
In my opinion, A Man of Many Faces will appeal to all. From convicts and ex-convicts to criminals who have yet to be caught. Then there are the police, FBI, public defenders, prosecutors, judges, and prison guards. There are also the friends, loved ones and families of those who have gone astray, in addition to the victims of their crimes. There are also those who just like a book full of action with a touch of humor who will be able to live vicariously and learn from the many characters I became in life. A Man of Many Faces will take you on new adventures in every chapter with a multitude of true stories that will jump right out at you and come to life. If you can relate or have been touched in any way from the above mentioned, then you should buy and enjoy this book. If you really love this like I know you will please tell all your friends. Thank you Jesus!