Earth? This richly illustrated series illuminates unique geographical perspectives. Starting with close-ups on one animal, the ever-widening views show areas from forest to village, city to state, country, continent, and ocean, and finally the planet in space. Includes a map labeling places shown. Perfect for inspiring young minds to think big, these picture books also support C3 standards for geography related to maps, culture, and environment.
In Australia, a small koala munches on eucalyptus. Where is his place on the big blue Earth? Starting with a baby koala in Australia, this richly illustrated poem illuminates a unique geographical perspective, showcasing the Australian environment. Take in ever-widening views from trees to city, beach, farmsteads, animals of the bush, country, continent, ocean, and finally the planet in space. Back matter includes a glossary of Australian animals and geographical terms. Endsheets include a labeled map of Australia. The third picture book in the Big Blue Earth series from Amicus Ink, this title will inspire young minds to think big. It also supports C3 standards for geography related to maps, culture, and environment.