--John Adams, April 26, 1777.
Amidst the political divisions that exist today, many Americans believe the Founding Fathers would roll over in their graves if they saw what posterity did with their divine creation. Oh, Posterity! What Have You Done? explores what the Founding Fathers might say to us if given the opportunity in this piece of historical fiction. Is modern America anything close to what they intended? Have twenty-first-century Americans forgotten who they were and subsequently who we are? Have we lost our way, and what will it take to get us back on track and in the good graces of the Almighty?
Follow God's new messenger, William Justice Freeman, as he is charged by Providence with the task of breathing new life into the founding generation's words in the hopes of saving the country. Starting on January 6, 2021, and ending on July 2, 2024--prior to an election that could be a turning point in the cause of human freedom--see what the Founders think of modern America as they are given the opportunity to live among us for three years, culminating in eight thought-provoking interviews with Mr. Freeman. Do they believe America can be saved? Why is individual free will so important to the Almighty? Are freedom and democracy synonymous, or has posterity forgotten what the principle of freedom even means? Can Americans regain a connection to the revolutionary generation and understand what they gave us some 250 years ago? Join William Freeman as he attempts to wake America up to its forgotten purpose in the world!