This delightful children's book explores the developing relationship between a small bird and a lonely and depressed disabled child. The book is set during the 1950s, a time when life was less stressful and considered to be a wonderful period for children to grow up exploring the most simple and enjoyable activities in life that most children do not enjoy today. Follow their relationship as it begins with a mystery and follows through their many adventures together. The book also lets children enjoy various how-to activities in creating and building some of their own projects as outlined in the book.
The book also helps develop the relationship between the child and her new Native American friend whom she meets at school, and they end up sharing a very special relationship with this special bird.
This first-time author was inclined to write the book after a face-to-face encounter with a very forwardly friendly hummingbird who seemed to go out of his way one morning to introduce himself and say hello.