Oliver is different! Oliver's life, was difficult because of how he looked since birth! At first, Oliver'sfamily didn't know anything about the deaf culture, just like other hearing people. But they realized with love amazing things would happen. Learn how a family coming together can change difficulty into joy.
As he grew, Oliver was often surrounded by people outside his family who had their struggles. Some were mean to Oliver to relieve their pain. See how Oliver even helped them.
Oliver was discouraged at first when mean people surrounded him. Over time see how he learned to understand them. Because of his special abilities, he could help others better appreciate the special needs of others. You'll see how Oliver learned a lot of different behaviors and became successful in his work after graduation.
Oliver will take you on his journey and let you in on the adventures of his life! Be prepared to be amazed, shocked, outraged, saddened, and ultimately overjoyed by his life's triumphs!
This book may give you an understanding of Deaf Culture and others' needs. Who Is Oliver? is written by a man who had to deal with many of these challenges in his life and how he overcame them. Get ready to meet Oliver!